Below you will find links to dates when new entries are added. The stories will not necessarily be in chronological
order, but rather as I remember them. I am dating them so that you can skip to new ones you haven't read since the last time you visited,
and so that you are more easily able to find something you found humorous to share with others.
- Curbside Etiquette is...
- Origin of "Delivery Goddess"
- Apr 28, 2008
- May 13, 2012
Watch Dogs
- May 6, 2012
- April 29, 2012
Prepared for Nuttin
- April 22, 2012
Winter Storm Brewing
- April 12, 2012
- February 26, 2012
Last Week's Chuckles
- January 22, 2012
More is Not Enough
- January 15, 2012
- January 8, 2012
Swamped Theives
- January 1, 2012
Starting Right
- December 25, 2011
Christmas 2011
- December 18, 2011
A Santa Story
- December 4, 2011
Kodak Moments
- November 23, 2011
Retail Frenzi
- October 23, 2011
Universal Language
- October 2, 2011
Because of Taste Buds
- September 25, 2011
Checkered Flag
- September 18, 2011
Winning Side
- September 11, 2011
Decorated Patron
- September 4, 2011
- August 28, 2011
Magically Reappear
- August 21, 2011
Road Rage Renegade
- August 7, 2011
Gimme a Stick
- July 11, 2011
Space Invaders
- June 5, 2011
- May 29, 2011
American Curbside Etiquette
- May 22, 2011
The Book's Cover
- May 15, 2011
- January 30, 2011
- January 16, 2011
Help me understand...
- January 8, 2011
Favorite Christmas Cookie
- January 1, 2011
A Curbside New Year
- December 25, 2010
Christmas 2010
- Decmeber 5, 2010
Pittsburgh Map
- November 28, 2010
There's Still Hope
- NOvember 21, 2010
Blue Skies
- November 14, 2010
A Real Drag
- November 7, 2010
All Dogs Hate the Paperboy
- October 31, 2010
Non-Halloween Scare
- January 10, 2010
Free Concert
- December 27, 2009
Christmas, 2009
- December 13, 2009
One MORE Question?
- October 25, 2009
Yes, Boys, I'm a Woman-Driver
- September 11, 2009
Special 9-11 Edition
- August 23, 2009
The Broom
- August 16, 2009
Lunch Thief
- August 9, 2009
It's Your Turn Now
- August 2, 2009
Turning of the Scam Table
- July 26, 2009
Slip Slidin' Away
- July 19, 2009
Travelin' Man
- July 12, 2009
- July 5, 2009
An Old July 4th Memory
- April 13, 2009
Easter, 2009
- April 9, 2009
curbside Prank
- March 22, 2009
Take a Hint
- March 13, 2009
Poke Poke
- February 23, 2009
- January 18, 2009
Lean on Me
- January 4, 2009
Pre-Delivery Story
- January 1, 2009!!
< Unique Gratuities
- December 25, 2008
Newspaper Customer Christmas Card
- December 21, 2008
Winter Delivery
- December 3, 2008
Send Your Stud
- November 27, 2008
A Turkey Story
- November 4, 2008
Election Day, 2008
- November 2, 2008
I Commendeer This Car
- October 30, 2008
Wild Life
- October 28, 2008
Night Life
- October 17, 2008
Pitch Black
- October 11, 2008
All in the Family
- October 10, 2008
Over Your Shoulder
- October 2, 2008
Just Because
- September 22, 2008
Peek-A-Boo I'm Watchin' You
- September 17, 2008
Is Your Mommy Home?
- September 14, 2008
Kickin' Up Dust
- September 12, 2008
Wasting my Time
- September 10, 2008
Rod Through the Block
- August 27, 2008
Peeping Tom
- August 20, 2008
Disturbance in the Force
- August 15, 2008
Run Off
- August 11, 2008
Warning, Will Rogers
- August 8, 2008
- August 6, 2008
Fowl Weather
- August 2, 2008
Piggy Bank
- August 1, 2008
Guard Duty
- July 30, 2008
- JUly 29, 2008
New Handicap
- July 28, 2008
- July 27, 2008
But it Didn't Rain
- July 26, 2008
Mobile Office
- July 25, 2008
High Voltage Scare
- July 24, 2008
Partners in Crime
- July 20, 2008
Turn That Noise Down
- July 19, 2008
Victim of Boredom
- July 18, 2008
You Dropped One
- July 9, 2008
Eight Lonely Days
- July 8, 2008
Rots of Wroughts
- July 7, 2008
- July 6, 2008
Join the Party
- July 4, 2008
Paper Boy In Training
- July 3, 2008
Crystal Ball
- July 2, 2008
Home Wrecker
- July 1, 2008
Dressed for the Occasion
- June 30, 2008
Dead Tags, again
- June 29, 2008
Unspoken Deputy
- June 28, 2008
Dead Tags, Part 2
- June 27, 2008
Dead Tags, Part 1
- June 25, 2008
Meet in the Middle
- June 24, 2008
- June 23, 2008
Value in the City
- June 21, 2008
Booby Trapped
- June 20, 2008
View from Above
- June 19, 2008
My Pizza STINKS!
- June 18, 2008
Borrowed Papers
- June 17, 2008
No Trespassing
- June 15, 2008
Stealth Sewer
- June 14, 2008
Game Night
- June 13, 2008
Candle Light Dinner for Two
- June 12, 2008
No Park Bench is Safe
- June 11, 2008
Watering the Grass
- June 10, 2008
How High Can You Count?
- June 9, 2008
Problems With One
- June 8, 2008
Can't Stack Up
- June 6, 2008
Exact Change
- June 5, 2008
Half Droopy
- June 4, 2008
- June 3, 2008
A Little "Touched"
- June 2, 2008
Punji Sticks
- June 1, 2008
Curbside Vanity
- May 31, 2008
Open Sesame
- May 24, 2008
Pizza GIRL
- May 23, 2008
Zombies Among Us
- May 22, 2008
Bragging Bites
- May 21, 2008
Never Flipped a Pie
- May 20, 2008
Life in Reverse
- May 16, 2008
Floating Ember
- May 12, 2008
Bear Hug
- May 11, 2008
Tip to Top All Tips
- May 10, 2008
Better Pay Your Bill!
- May 8, 2008
Catch the Setter!
- Apr 29, 2008
Enough Pepperoni?
Watch Dogs
Long before we had digital surveillance cameras and laser beam alarms that automatically called 911 for a break-in, we had Pitt Bulls and German Shepherds, Wroughtwilers or any other big dog with sharp teeth. Of course, the little guys can do some pretty hefty damage, too, but are easily kicked aside by people who obviously have no concern for human life and it's posessions; a valid assumption if someone is robbing you, right?
Farmers have kept a very good secret about their watch dogs. They've found that a foul breed is really the better watch dog, and generally, people do not know how to handle or bypass something like a goose, or swan, or rooster or occasional chicken. You can't throw it a steak or a Milkbone. And like large dogs, chasing them generally just provokes them more. I posted a story awhile back about a farm and their "watch goose" that scared away the first pizza delivery driver - feel free to refresh your memory: Guard Duty from Aug 1, 2008.
A few years ago, the daughter of the family that owns the junkyard bought a dozen baby chicks and raised them into adult hens and roosters. When she moved from her original rental home into her husband-to-be's home, she had to find homes for the remaining roosters and hens. As it is nature's way, some of the chickens disappeared, probably victims of hungry nocternal bullies. She found homes for all but two roosters, who came to live at the junkyard. They were mean. Well, actually ONE was mean. If Mean Rooster chased a person- Timid Rooster chased Mean Rooster. It's remotely comical. Nobody was safe, except the immediate family. Those of us who work here have all been punctured at least once. The rooster flies a few inches into the air, leans backward, pushing his chest and claws forward, and wraps his sparp claws around someone's leg, leaving a puncture wound or two. The fellow who does our general custodial and maintenance work at the junkyard, usually comes equipped with cookies, which seems to remove him from harm's way, until the days he comes unarmed. Then, he gets chased.
A few months ago, someone dropped off some hens. We were hoping that would entertain the roosters. There is still Mean Rooster and Timid Rooster. Mean Rooster still has days that he chases people. We've seen him, though, holding down one of the hens, or swinging one of them around in circles by the neck. I"m not sure that counts for entertainment, but at least only fifty percent of Mean Rooster's attention is now focused on humans. The first few days the hens were here, they were shy and strange, and steered clear of people. Now, they seem to be fitting right in. I think the picture says it all.