Through the Eyes of a Delivery Goddess

Today is Sun Jan 12.
Hope I made you smile today!

Below you will find links to dates when new entries are added. The stories will not necessarily be in chronological order, but rather as I remember them. I am dating them so that you can skip to new ones you haven't read since the last time you visited, and so that you are more easily able to find something you found humorous to share with others.

A Santa Story

Some years back, we were at Bob's sister's house visiting his mother who was living with his sister at that time. I think everyone has something they cherish for one reason or another; it might be a family heirloom, or something you looked high and low to find, or something that someone special gave to you, or maybe something hand made by one of your kids or grandchildren. Maybe you're wierd like me, and you just think Snoopy is tops, no matter what kind of trinket it is or who got it for you, as long as it has Snoopy on it, it's cherished in my house.

I believe I have the story correct when I say that Sister H had been looking for one of those life-sized Santa Clauses that moves and sings. I remember it being a bit on the pricey side - I guess that's not unexpected for something about five feet tall and covered with red felt. Sister H's house never had enough plugs to run all of her novelty items that she loves to have displayed, especially at Christmas time, so some things remain unplugged until time of use. Bob decided to watch Santa sing and dance, so he plugged Santa into the plug right behind where Santa was standing and turned him on. Santa began to move, then made a couple of sudden jerks. His voice box made some chipmonk-like squeaks, then dropped off like someone pulled the plug from the wall. Santa's arms and head relaxed from lack of "juice". Smoke began to pour from the platform on which Santa was mounted. Bob's mouth dropped as he looked at me like I was going to have some sort of answer. He jumped up and pulled the plug from the wall. We felt bad. When sister H came home from shopping, Bob appologized and said that Santa had fried when he plugged him in, and that we'd find her another one. Well, apparently, Sister H had a difficult time finding THAT one, and was concerned that we wouldn't be able to find another. But if anyone can find another one, it would be Bob. Then, Sister H informed us that the plug we used had been installed a few years back to run the old window-unit air conditioner, and it required 220 volts. Well, not much WONDER Santa danced a few quick steps and sang like a chipmonk for his three seconds of life!

Thank goodness for eBay and the modern digital age. The only other Santa we could find was for sale on eBay, and I think it arrived only a couple of days before Christmas. I believe that, not too long after Bob crispy-crittered the Santa, Sister H had that 220-volt outlet removed to prevent any further frying of her cherished decorations.