Below you will find links to dates when new entries are added. The stories will not necessarily be in chronological
order, but rather as I remember them. I am dating them so that you can skip to new ones you haven't read since the last time you visited,
and so that you are more easily able to find something you found humorous to share with others.
- Curbside Etiquette is...
- Origin of "Delivery Goddess"
- Apr 28, 2008
- June 5, 2011
- May 29, 2011
American Curbside Etiquette
- May 22, 2011
The Book's Cover
- May 15, 2011
- January 30, 2011
- January 16, 2011
Help me understand...
- January 8, 2011
Favorite Christmas Cookie
- January 1, 2011
A Curbside New Year
- December 25, 2010
Christmas 2010
- Decmeber 5, 2010
Pittsburgh Map
- November 28, 2010
There's Still Hope
- NOvember 21, 2010
Blue Skies
- November 14, 2010
A Real Drag
- November 7, 2010
All Dogs Hate the Paperboy
- October 31, 2010
Non-Halloween Scare
- January 10, 2010
Free Concert
- December 27, 2009
Christmas, 2009
- December 13, 2009
One MORE Question?
- October 25, 2009
Yes, Boys, I'm a Woman-Driver
- September 11, 2009
Special 9-11 Edition
- August 23, 2009
The Broom
- August 16, 2009
Lunch Thief
- August 9, 2009
It's Your Turn Now
- August 2, 2009
Turning of the Scam Table
- July 26, 2009
Slip Slidin' Away
- July 19, 2009
Travelin' Man
- July 12, 2009
- July 5, 2009
An Old July 4th Memory
- April 13, 2009
Easter, 2009
- April 9, 2009
curbside Prank
- March 22, 2009
Take a Hint
- March 13, 2009
Poke Poke
- February 23, 2009
- January 18, 2009
Lean on Me
- January 4, 2009
Pre-Delivery Story
- January 1, 2009!!
< Unique Gratuities
- December 25, 2008
Newspaper Customer Christmas Card
- December 21, 2008
Winter Delivery
- December 3, 2008
Send Your Stud
- November 27, 2008
A Turkey Story
- November 4, 2008
Election Day, 2008
- November 2, 2008
I Commendeer This Car
- October 30, 2008
Wild Life
- October 28, 2008
Night Life
- October 17, 2008
Pitch Black
- October 11, 2008
All in the Family
- October 10, 2008
Over Your Shoulder
- October 2, 2008
Just Because
- September 22, 2008
Peek-A-Boo I'm Watchin' You
- September 17, 2008
Is Your Mommy Home?
- September 14, 2008
Kickin' Up Dust
- September 12, 2008
Wasting my Time
- September 10, 2008
Rod Through the Block
- August 27, 2008
Peeping Tom
- August 20, 2008
Disturbance in the Force
- August 15, 2008
Run Off
- August 11, 2008
Warning, Will Rogers
- August 8, 2008
- August 6, 2008
Fowl Weather
- August 2, 2008
Piggy Bank
- August 1, 2008
Guard Duty
- July 30, 2008
- JUly 29, 2008
New Handicap
- July 28, 2008
- July 27, 2008
But it Didn't Rain
- July 26, 2008
Mobile Office
- July 25, 2008
High Voltage Scare
- July 24, 2008
Partners in Crime
- July 20, 2008
Turn That Noise Down
- July 19, 2008
Victim of Boredom
- July 18, 2008
You Dropped One
- July 9, 2008
Eight Lonely Days
- July 8, 2008
Rots of Wroughts
- July 7, 2008
- July 6, 2008
Join the Party
- July 4, 2008
Paper Boy In Training
- July 3, 2008
Crystal Ball
- July 2, 2008
Home Wrecker
- July 1, 2008
Dressed for the Occasion
- June 30, 2008
Dead Tags, again
- June 29, 2008
Unspoken Deputy
- June 28, 2008
Dead Tags, Part 2
- June 27, 2008
Dead Tags, Part 1
- June 25, 2008
Meet in the Middle
- June 24, 2008
- June 23, 2008
Value in the City
- June 21, 2008
Booby Trapped
- June 20, 2008
View from Above
- June 19, 2008
My Pizza STINKS!
- June 18, 2008
Borrowed Papers
- June 17, 2008
No Trespassing
- June 15, 2008
Stealth Sewer
- June 14, 2008
Game Night
- June 13, 2008
Candle Light Dinner for Two
- June 12, 2008
No Park Bench is Safe
- June 11, 2008
Watering the Grass
- June 10, 2008
How High Can You Count?
- June 9, 2008
Problems With One
- June 8, 2008
Can't Stack Up
- June 6, 2008
Exact Change
- June 5, 2008
Half Droopy
- June 4, 2008
- June 3, 2008
A Little "Touched"
- June 2, 2008
Punji Sticks
- June 1, 2008
Curbside Vanity
- May 31, 2008
Open Sesame
- May 24, 2008
Pizza GIRL
- May 23, 2008
Zombies Among Us
- May 22, 2008
Bragging Bites
- May 21, 2008
Never Flipped a Pie
- May 20, 2008
Life in Reverse
- May 16, 2008
Floating Ember
- May 12, 2008
Bear Hug
- May 11, 2008
Tip to Top All Tips
- May 10, 2008
Better Pay Your Bill!
- May 8, 2008
Catch the Setter!
- Apr 29, 2008
Enough Pepperoni?
Call it "kharma" or "getting up on the wrong side of the bed. Call it "what comes around, goes around," or call it "Just having a bad day."
Doesn't it seem that if something goes wrong early in your day, many other things seem to be against you throughout the day? One of my dad's favorite comedians, Buddy Hackett, had a saying that my family embraced: "I hate it when the inanimate objects win." Motivational speakers will condemn you for not keeping a positive attitude, saying "A negative attitude breeds more nagativity." Sometimes, it's just Murphy's Law.
A few days back, I had one of those losing days. It seems like, if I miss the newspaper tube with one paper, the next fifty bounce back out and end up on the ground. There must be an unwritten rule somewhere. Windy days are the worst; the wind blows the paper away before you can even get the car in reverse, much less lean out, trying to keep your foot on the brake and your hand on the wheel, and grab the paper to pull it back into the car before it blows away, or before I fall out. I think I spent more time in reverse that morning than forward. I began to have thoughts of conspiracy. Several of the papers I bagged and tossed slid out of the bag. If it wasn't bad enough they weren't staying in the tubes, they wouldn't even stay in the bags, for crying out loud! One particular place has given me grief in the past - if it rains in London, these people call the office complaining of a wet paper. There are places I know that the customer is secretly watching out the window, and the second my truck drives out of sight, they dart out into the driveway, scoop up the paper before anyone steals it, and sprint back into the house. With those few folks, I don't get too concerned, I leave the papers scattered out of the bag knowing they'll be gathered up shortly. But, before I interrupted myself, the paper skittered out at this one house, and under my breath, I complained about having to get out of the truck to gather it up. I stopped and pulled the emergency brake, which doesn't work well, so I give it two extra small tugs, just to be on the safe side. Then, I remove the bagged papers from my lap (that were in preparation for upcoming driveways), and set them aside on the stack of papers on my passenger seat. I always have a bagged paper or two between my thigh and the stack of papers between the seats (remember, we have seven different papers to keep separate), and set those on top of the stacks already on the dashboard. Slowly I release the brake pedal to see if the truck is going to roll away. (I do not have "park", I drive a five speed, which by some guidelines, is crazy, considering I drive, fold, bag, shift, and often times, eat or drink while on the job.) After I re-position the paper inside the bag, I get back in and start putting things back in place inside the Mobile Office. "No big deal" you say. It's not a big deal once, or even twice. But as I said above, it's usually "one of those nights" and it happens over and over again. At this particular house, I got out to slide the paper back together, and in the dark, I saw a dark spot on the top of the paper. I figured it was a piece of bark or something like that, and chose to leave it inside the paper, wondering what kind of fantastic complaint I'd get tomorrow about THIS one. But as I started to slide the papers back into the bag, the dark spot leaped away ... and so did I. I must have jumped three feet when the small back toad made its escape!
I can imagine the poor toad sitting around the dinner table that night, trying to make his family believe he really WAS abducted by a green cigar-shaped object, but managed to escape just before some giant alien tried to capture him into the cigar-shape.
Somebody call Ripley's....