Through the Eyes of a Delivery Goddess

Below you will find links to dates when new entries are added. The stories will not necessarily be in chronological order, but rather as I remember them. I am dating them so that you can skip to new ones you haven't read since the last time you visited, and so that you are more easily able to find something you found humorous to share with others.

No Park Bench is Safe

Yesterday morning around 5:30am, I drove through the parking lot of the local Max & Erma's restuarant to toss a USA Today at the front door... just like I do every Monday through Friday morning. I believe it was even a bit earlier yesterday when I flew around the building to the front door, and I was on the phone with the Trib Route manager trying to straighten out a customer's account. I usually try to reach the front door with the paper - it's probably 25 or 30 feet from the parking lot, up about seven or eight steps. I curled my left hand in front of my face and flung my arm out the window with the best "Frisbee toss" I could muster - snapped my wrist to put a spin on the paper to keep it low and direct toward the door. JUST as I let go of the paper, I glanced toward the door to focus for a second on my target and noticed a young man sitting on the park bench right out side of the door. I guess he was waiting for someone with keys to open the doors for him to get in and start his job, but he was looking into the front window of the restaurant, so did NOT see the bright orange bag bulleting toward him. Thank goodness, it lost a little bit of height and only grazed across his knees, but he still jumped pretty high; I'm sure it was quite a suprise. I heard him laughing - I hollered that I was sorry. He said, "That's a mean throw- that could have hurt me". I said, "Don't be sitting there tomorrow ... Wednesdays are rock days - I weight the bag down with small rocks." He laughed, and I yelled "Have a good day" as I continued around the corner of the building.

There are no safe park benches, not even at 5am in the morning. Bet he changed his diaper once someone came to let him inside!